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Three Alternatives to the Choke Chain

The first alternative humane anti-pull collar is called the "K-9 Pull Control." It is an anti-pull body harness manufactured by Dog Crazy/Focus in San Diego. We use it for puppies with mild to moderate pulling problems -- and older dogs that have no face! No offense, but breeds with pushed-in faces -- bulldogs, pugs, Pekinese and so on -- are very susceptible to breathing problems and need to avoid throat traumas caused by choke chains and some other anti-pull devices.

The K-9 Pull Control looks like a regular body harness, but it is not. Two straps come around and in front of the shoulders and connect on top of the dog's back with a pulley system. If the dog starts to lunge ahead, its feet and shoulders are constricted. The dog cannot move or is significantly slowed down. The dog soon learns that the on ly way to go forward is at a slow, relaxed pace.

The second device we use is the "Halti Headcollar," which is made in England. This is for the more dedicated pullers, primarily for older dogs and for those breeds with a fairly well-developed muzzle area. The Halti works very much like a horse's halter, but without any bit for the mouth. IT IS NOT A MUZZLE. As opposed to the choke chain, you never yank on the leash with the Halti, nor do you ever hear the dog gag. All you do is walk at a steady pace with your hands at your sides and the Halti works by itself.

If the dog suddenly pulls ahead, the Halti creates generalized tension around the head without choking the throat. When the dog ceases its tugging, the Halti loosens. As with the K-9 Pull Control, the dog quickly learns what position to be in -- the heeling position -- to avoid tension.

The third device, "The Gentle Leader," is similar to the Halti and operates on the same principle. A fourth device, called "The Martingale Training Collar," is from Canada and is a collar of mostly cloth material, with only an inch or so of chain. Owners can use this collar to make a snapping noise with the chain without choking or hurting the dog. More on heeling below.


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